Meanings of Guitar Tattoos Are Often The Love of Music
In the world of rock music, a guitar in flames is one that is chosen by many. When girls choose this particular tattoo, it is often drawn with symbols depicting a certain person who plays this instrument. The additional designs that are added often have as much meaning as the guitar itself. Guitar tattoos chosen by girls are often more unique than the ones chosen by men.

There are two general types of guitars, thus tattoos depict one or the other, but the electric guitar is the most popular. As you may know, the acoustic guitar and the electric guitar sound entirely different. The electric guitar is used most often by rock bands and the acoustic guitar is used by country and western, folk and even some classical musicians.
As a symbol of the love of music, guitar tattoos are also commonly chosen by those who do not play the instrument, but simply love to listen to guitar music. They can also be chosen in memory of a musician who played the guitar but has passed away. There are many people that still mourn the death of Elvis Presley and a tattoo depicting him and his famous guitar is a sign of a true fan.

The history of the guitar spans nearly three thousand years. Before the presence of books, this was often a way of telling stories. The storytellers would travel from place to place with their guitar to sing the songs that told of history, traditions, customs and a way of life that was different from those who were being entertained.
The style of the guitar tattoo will often vary as much as the actual meaning to the recipient. This is a type of design that has various meanings and the decision to get a guitar tattoo is often thought about for a long time before acting upon it.

There are a variety of subjects that are often chosen to embellish the guitar tattoo. They are often designed to feature skulls, flames, dice, hearts, classic American cars and many other items that are part of the meaning for the person who is getting the tattoo.
What Are Some of The Most Popular Guitar Tattoos?
They will vary by the sex of the person choosing them. Girls typically like guitars with the following: Roses, musical notes, hearts, colored guitars, cartoon animals playing the instrument.
The tattoo is much more varied when it is chosen by males. They often choose: Skeletons, skull and crossbones, girls alongside or riding guitars, sometimes entwined with snakes or other beastly creatures. Other popular choices for both men and women include singing birds, cherries, and four-leaf clovers.